Wednesday, July 25, 2012

The urge to do everything at once.

We all know the sensation that there's something just over the hill that we absolutely need to try out. In the current day and age we are often confronted with additional drives to make us want something specific.

Yes this is mainly Eve-online centric, but I'm still going to touch mainly on general life stuff, using Eve-Online specific themes..

Those that have followed, knows I'm here to suit up a battleship and whore away at Level 4 missions to maintain an ISK stream sufficient to have the Plex's coming each month.
Those of you playing the game for more then 3 weeks should know that simply suiting up won't cut it.
It's all about skills and getting the basic under your belt, yet the basics are exactly that. The basics...

I at some point, detailed in an previous post I had and have plans to hit a mining Barge on the way, as mining seems like a nice middle point in income generation, and the path to fly it isn't that long, least you have to hit the Hulk which is a few months. But some 12 days or so and I'll have perfect skills to fly the Covetor.
And I was nicely on my way.
Filling the void of waiting time, I've been running missions and to do that somewhat effectively you'll need the Social skill tree, I didn't plan to go for the advanced stuff, but at least having Negotiation and Social and Networking. Much to my dismay I haven't maxed them out as Level 4 is a good point and you don't get that much more from the extreme additional training time from level 4 to level 5, after all it's some 2-3 weeks per skill, and the yield is some 5% or likewise. And it doesn't quite help me getting in that Battleship. Set aside the money and standing gains from the higher level agents.
Now a side effect of training those skills is the fact you gain access to the higher level agents faster.
Flying Cruisers and only having the medium Armor tanking skills of a Gallente with okay drones skills but nothing special and the Hybrid small guns you can imagine I'm getting quite useless above L2 missions (sec), yet of course I give it a shot at the L3's as I now have access.

As mentioned awhile back Next step up would be a drake that I've already have a decent fit for and I believe that will carry me just inside the L4 mission group, but with some trouble considering it's low damage output. But I don't think it's that huge a step from Drake to Navy Raven or even a Marauder, biggest issue will be getting shields into place, which I'm working at now.

Having flow a Thorax and a Vexor for a while they seemed like little to no match for the harder L3 Missions and I got my arse whipped several times and trust me the income come doesn't not warrant that frequent ship replacement. also I started noticing my hybrid + drones skills combined with my tendency to be cheap. Just didn't cut it. Thinking my next logical step anyhow was to get into the Caracal or Moa I received as birthday present, I simply loaded up and I've been in a Caracal for a while now.
Quite interesting to fly a missile boat again.
Of course my desired fit is riddled with T2 fittings which isn't as expensive as you imagine, and way more effective, with the Launcher being very specific and rare, thus rather costly.

All this puts me at the dilemma any noob faces with eve.

There's always the next thing you wanna do, and finishing off what ever you've gotten yourself into at the moment is taking it's time.
In most games you'd simply grind it down and complete it and have your perfect Epeen, but with eve things are tied into real time consumption so there's not cutting the corners. If you choose to do something that will take time, real time. Something you can't buy or shortcut in anyway. This often puts people off, yet I like it s you don't have to deal with the people that doesn't have a life and thus have no concept that time it self is of value to someone.

So what does all that have to do with real life stuff, after all it's game stuff, rigth?
Well, sure. In eve the valued currency is in nature time. That's the only thing you can't conjure from nothingness. In real life money, the greens tend to be the thing you always need more of and you can't simply conjure forth from the nothingness.
In both cases it's what is needed to cover the cost of things you really want. and the lack of it tends to be the limiter of what you have/can do.
The thing that forces you to make choices. as you can't have/do everything.
Sound familiar?

What choices do you have to deal with?