So another 6 months have passed, and what have changed? nothing much really and then again everything.
First off, I've parked the Mack nice and securely with the ice mining modules back home (or what ever we'll call it). Boarded a Caracal and been running L3 missions for a while now. Nothing new, and it's a the usual grinding.
Also I've jumped corp a few times. First my initial Swedish veteran corp essentially finally succumbed to veteran emptiness: Empty corp channel, 50 people in the group, 45-48 of them haven't logged in for one year plus, no management. I've seen that before and it's a slow death. So I upped my courage and went Corp hunting.
First off I was approaching a Null Sec corp, their add told me they were high-sec Mission corp, but it turned out they were getting ready too embark to Null. Still being dependant on mining, I felt like it was a huge jump to take. but i picked up my shit and went on full. Slowly I found them to be unengaged, and went time came that I had to do the actual paperwork (after having been muted in the recruiting channel). I was basically ignored.
Well, fuck them. Back to hunting.
Finally i fell in with a small group that had both an industial wing and the Missionrunning Wing, and a fair bit of PvP'ers. With a very diverse group there was plenty to get into.
Then came the wars.
Listing to maybe in the background...
War. War never changes.
It seems the outside lust to dig into the industrial wing of my new corp/alliance or was it the hunt for one specific person, kept the wardecs coming in a steady stream. Eventually everything got disbanded and reformed, shortly after we'd all been discussing what approach to take. But such is life.
Now one of the stronger and more focused Vets have taken over and runs a temp corp solution, and that's were I currently reside.
Still running missions, L3's apparently in crappy fitting and under classed boat. (I apparently must have great piloting skills to pull it of).
Buttomline; i've been recommended flying a Gnosis for my L3's and frankly the Slow Paper Boat as I call it does require more attention then I'd like to. Not really having a clear plan yet as to the fitting, but i do imagine a Shield tanked Missile or Lazor boat. I don't think I've got the needed skills to fit Lazors, but the Missiles just takes up so much cargo space and with a BC, shouldn't I be equipping bigger tubes then Heavy?
Frankly i don't know and I'll need to invest some time into building workable fit. Not exactly a prober fit as my new boss tells me. But a suitable. Taking all my quarks into considerations.
Paul'll hate me for this, but he does come on as very serious some times. Almost Russian...
Now i better go verify my clone is empty and up to date....