Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Back in the Mack

So after a good sprint in the mission running circles I find my self back in the mackinaw.
For a while I took good please in not having to worry about the plex status, and then things seems to have blown up. Literally.

Back in my old mining system and sector in general a new entity have grown into strength, to the point where they excerpt influence. The Order they call them self.

Their main purpose publicly is to cleanse the high sec system of afk miners as they say.
Now anyone mining in a barge or exhumer, frankly mining in general would know that the activity is not something you stare at. You set the lasers and start doing the stuff you'd like to do, like market stuff, of general social interaction and this leaves your ship vulnerable.

Usually that's no problem as you quickly learn how to tank the local denizens of blood raiders and the like, and you start having faith in Concord to uphold the law.

What these guys do is they specialize in fitting gank ships, mostly destroyers as they are cheap and can deal a devastating punch. Of course they usually get popped by concord, the trick is to survive for the Police to show up. This is normally doable with a decent tank, yet when sec levels get too low the Concord response is too slow and they achieve to fire that last shot they pops your boat.

A mack will cost you some 250-300m to get and fit, add clone costs and implants. All looking good on a isk killboard, but it's like hunting cows... The target is mostly defenseless (any retaliation will cancel the concord inbound), The barges are big and slow, they don't sorta run away. And usually the pilot is occupied with a good bunch of active windows.

Let me link them up here: The New Order

As you can quickly see these people are the basic griefers, yet their actions are legit. I've had a few chats with agents of their order, and I have trouble figuring out if they believe their bullshit or it's merely their excuse?

The effects of what they are doing is they drive off the mineral miners, which has a fun effect on prices, as no one are mining it. Yet that is their goal. I don't really know and I really should think too much about them. Ignoring them is the best weapon against them, as they seek attention first and foremost.

What do you think of this type of lifestyle?


  1. New order are people just like everyone else in eve, they play by their own rules for things they find fun, they find tears fun thats why they will punish people for dropping tham, they dont really care about afk play style its and excuse for killing you, not do they care about 10 mils permits they get enough of donations to have this little gankfast run for years, you are right about market price running on mineralls, and mining ships aswell. but thats not master plan behind it, there are more sane ways of getting minerals then mining tham in high sec while afk, how to deal with tham? well respect their play style they have as much right to kill you as you have to take measures to avoid that, ignore tham, they hunt for your tears not your wallet, move systems, or tank ships well(works only well with tech 2 fitted tanking minings ships if you are dumb enough to put faction or more expnesive stuff you will get ganked for it) well guess thats all

  2. The thing that that gets to me, isn't my wallet drop, it's the whole concept of playing to harvest tears. I know it's something big within Eve and I respect that as all Eve player should. What I'm trying to put a finger on is the griefer.. In some planes we condem them, yet here they are getting donations.
    And they are not only within eve, they are everywhere, they just have more success and acceptance in Eve, as here's no big banhammer that will punish them for being malicious, and that's cold, wouldn't want CCP interfering.
    But should we really just accept them and ignore them when they are clearly cowards, that prey on the weak rather then taking up a real fight. Carebears don't figth back you know.

  3. well its carebears problem that they dont fight, actually carebears have enough of ways of fighting back without actually fighting such as changing locations, fitting more tank, mining in procurer or moving to null mining devision where money is better and protection exist, those people are not griefers, they play by rules most of tham are quite nice people, when i was starting to play this game my friend told me that he talks with people he has on watchlist with terrible standing more often then with some called friends. here is example of what happend last night, i lost 2 ships with average 300mil loose, i dont blame a person that killed me i blame myself cause it could be easily avoided atleast it kicked in my lazy nuts and i made new ships that wont be killed that way, you need to learn how to adopt and how to fight back for your playstyle, even if it means not fighting at all as miner, there are smart ways of doing such as making hauling alt and mine in tanked procurer while alt transport ore while he train for procurer himself(and yes buddy invite alts are free to make and they live for 51 day) hope this helps
